Humbled. This is the word most frequently mentioned by the team when sharing impressions about the day. We were all humbled to hear that some people walked 22 miles to join the training, leaving their village early morning and arriving by lunch time. The attendance has increased and we now have a total of 90 people at the conference.


We were also humbled by the eagerness to learn of the pastors. After 5 teaching sessions covering Titus 1:10 to 2:10, they still asked many questions showcasing that they were carefully listening and that they wanted to properly understand and apply what they have heard. They were also true “Bereans” and did not hesitate to challenge when they had doubts.

The discussions were also lively on the women side, with CJ teaching on the role of women in marriage, and the Q&A session covering topics ranging from disciplining your child to contraception!

Today is the last day of the conference already. Please pray that we will finish strong and that all teachers will be given clarity of thoughts, boldness of speech and wisdom from above.

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